Supercharge Your Environment Series
The 'Supercharge Your Environment' series is designed to equip coaches with the knowledge, skill and support required to create and sustain thriving performance environments.
In this series we will explore how psychology plays out within an environment and what coaches can do to make theirs an environment that supports well-being, growth and performance. We'll do this through a series of group and individual learning interactions.
You can see a breakdown of the course below. If you are interested, please get in touch via the button.
We will come together as a group to set ourselves up for a successful learning journey together.
We'll have 4 monthly workshops as a group, each lasting 2 hours. We'll hear some stories from coaches and some ideas from academics designed to get us thinking.
The session topics for this series are:
- Understanding Behaviour and Relationships
- Psychologically Informed Environments
- Balancing Challenge and Support
- Leadership and Culture
Following the 'Get Us Thinking' session, we will come together as a group later on in the month for 2 hours to reflect on what we heard, how it relates to our own practice, and how we can support eachother to solve problems.
Each coach will get an opportunity for an individual one to one session with Elliott in each month of the programme. These one hour sessions are an opportunity for the coach to explore specific issues relevant to their practice.
To further support coach learning on this programme, each of the topic areas include some optional independent work, equating to approximately 6 further hours.
How the Learning Journey is Planned